
Forms & Questionnaires

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New Patient Questionnaire



Main health concerns/reasons for appointment:


Please select S for self and F for family


Please tick if appropriate, and the level of stress:


Please mark the appropriate boxes in the following list of symptoms if you have experienced the symptom:

Children’s Toxic Exposure – Mothers Questionnaire

In an effort to refine our treatment, this questionnaire helps us to know what toxins your child might have been exposed to prior to birth.






Allergy Questionnaire

Mark the extent to which you experience the following symptoms, leaving blank any that you do not experience, with 1 indicating that you seldom experience it and 5 indicating that it is troublesome to you most of the time.




Nose, Throat, and Mouth







Nervous System

Overactive Mental State

Depressed Mental state

Other Symptoms

Additional Content

Candida Questionnaire


Please mark if appropriate:

Your Total
Add up the number of your symptoms
Add five points for each additional risk factor

Interpreting your score
35-55: Not a definite diagnosis of candidiasis, as many other conditions (such as endocrine imbalances, auto-immune disorders, viruses) can cause these symptoms. Nevertheless, reducing your candida load can assist with any other conditions you may have.
56-85: Moderate candidiasis
85 +: Severe candidiasis

Alternatives to Reactive Foods


Marcia Pitman © 2014

Bioresonance testing reveals the foods that are reactive within the body. In order to deal with these reactions, clients are asked to remove the foods completely from their diet while they are having bioresonance treatments. It is advisable to stay off the reactive foods as long as possible in order to give the body, especially the intestine, time to repair.


Foods to avoid: Gluten is the protein contained in the majority of grains, including barley, bulgur, couscous, farina, graham flour, kamut, matzo, rye, semolina, spelt, triticale, wheat and wheat germ.[1] Gluten is hidden in many processed foods under the titles maltodextrin, starch or dextrose. [2] It is also found in MSG (monosodium glutamate). [3]

Tolerated foods: Alternative flours for those with a gluten intolerance are those made from almonds, amaranth, arrowroot, beans (chickpea, fava or garbanzo bean), buckwheat, corn, flaxseed, millet, potato, quinoa, rice, sorghum, soy, tapioca, teff (Ethiopian grain), and yam.[4] Also, cornmeal, buckwheat groats and kernels, and rice itself are gluten-free.

Some of these grains may be reactive to the damaged bowel, therefore, a fully grain-free diet can be necessary. This is known as the Gaps (Gut and psychology syndrome) diet. [5]


Foods to avoid: all wheat products. This will include breads, cakes and biscuits. Labels will need to be checked to ensure wheat is not hidden in processed foods.

Tolerated foods: Spelt is a preferred alternative to wheat, plus all the other substitutes listed for gluten allergy.


Foods to avoid: all dairy, includes milk, yoghurt, cheese and margarine.

Tolerated foods: rice, goat, almond or oat milk. Soy milk is not a preferred alternative.

Sheep or goats cheese, butter and cream (100% cream or pure cream)

Sources of Calcium

Tahini paste, sardines, whitebait and figs [1] with lesser amounts available from broccoli, leafy green vegetables and fortified grains

Sources of Vitamin D

Absorption of Calcium is increased in the presence of Vitamin D

Fish liver oils, fatty saltwater fish (especially mackerel but also halibut, oysters, salmon, sardines and tuna), dairy products, eggs, cod liver oil, halibut, liver, milk, shitake and chanterelle mushrooms, oatmeal, sweet potatoes, and vegetable oils. However, vitamin D3 – which is synthesised from skin exposure to the sun – is the most active form.[2]

The tolerance of the alternative is dependant on testing.


[2] Balch 2006: 24

[1] Perlmutter & Loberg 2013: 68

[2] Cabot, S. & Jasinska, M. (2011). p. 160 Infertility: The hidden causes. Camden, NSW: WHAS.

[3] Lazarides, L. (2010). p. 222 A textbook of modern naturopathy. London:

[4] Lieberman 2007: 115; Perlmutter & Loberg 2013: 68

[5] Campbell-McBride, N. (2010). Gut and psychology syndrome. Cambridge, UK: Medinform.

Electromagnetic Radiation


 Marcia Pitman © 2014

Our body’s signal transmission (or ‘energy’) can be blocked by noxious forms of radiation (wave lengths above the UV range). The earth’s core is spinning molten iron, which sets up a huge magnetic field, while the earth’s rotation generates electrical charges. Being vertical, the human body acts as an antenna for these external electromagnetic impulses. This allows it to gain its energy not only from the digestion of food, but also by absorbing radiation from its environment. When the radiation is natural to the earth, it can have a positive – indeed, essential – biological effect. Solar rays, cosmic radiation and Schumann waves (7.8 Hz), for example, are essential for promoting good health.

Over the past few decades, the number of electrical devices that are in one household has dramatically increased. On a daily basis, we are surrounded by magnetic field interferences, enjoying the benefits that they bring, it would be a struggle to live without them. When we are under stress or unwell, these influences can prevent healing and in some cases be the main cause of a persons illness. During sleep it is necessary to have this area free of these toxic fields in order to promote the survival, maturation and integration of new cells into existing circuitry, resulting in their efficient functioning. This interference can lead to sleep deprivation of total sleep time and in turn will lead to excessive daytime sleepiness, with consequent impairments of productivity, mood, social functioning and energy levels. It is associated with poor health overall, including coronary heart disease, proneness to infections and diabetes – all presumably a result of inflammation.

There are a number of strategies that we can implement to protect ourselves:

  • Avoid putting beds near electrical appliances.
  • Avoid sleeping near electric heaters.
  • Avoid putting beds against a wall that has appliances or the fuse box on the other side of the wall.
  • Switch all appliances that are near the bed off at the wall before going to sleep. This includes bedside lamps.
  • If you use an electric blanket, then warm the bed and turn off at the wall. The output is very low, but if we times this output by the number of hours you will spend in your bed, then it becomes toxic to your health.
  • Keep your distance from devices such as televisions.
  • Be mindful of using devices that generate high electrical output such as electric drills, hairdryers sanders, hedge trimmers and vacuum cleaners, in particular the ones that are mounted on your back. Often we use these for short periods of time, but if you use these in your work, then you may need to take more regular breaks and use devices to assist in your protection.

Geopathic interference

Geopathic interference occurs when the earth’s energy or radiation is disrupted by abnormalities in its crust. These abnormalities include water veins, crevices, fissures or faults. With underground streams, the ground resists the water flow, creating friction that produces a weak electrical field. This both builds up negative frequencies and also prevents healthy frequencies from reaching the human body. This can weaken the body, making it susceptible to illness.

Weidel provides an analogy to explain the difference between conventional and energetic therapies’ approach to radiation. He asks us to imagine a magnet with several iron balls attached. Conventional medicine tries to detach the balls or change their properties, but this fails because the magnet keeps pulling them back. Instead, holistic therapies such as bioresonance try to change the magnetic field, so that it stops influencing the balls. Applied to the body, we can think of the ‘balls’ as the cells which, once relieved of the pathogenic influence of noxious radiation, can correct themselves.


Hennecke, J. (2001). Allergy and oscillation: New hope for people with allergies? Aachen, Germany: Author.

Jan, J. (2010). Melatonin therapy for sleep disorders. In K. Siri & T. Lyons (Eds.) Cutting-edge therapies for autism 2010-2011. New York: Skyhorse, pp. 221-226.

Landis, C.A. (2011). Sleep, pain, fibromyalgia, and chronic fatigue syndrome. Handbook of Clinical Neurology, 98, 613-637.

Palagini, L. & Rosenlicht, N. (2011). Sleep, dreaming, and mental health: A review of historical and neurobiological perspectives. Sleep Medicine Reviews, 15 (3), 179-186.

Schwarze, A. (2001). Building biology as a condition of successful bioresonance therapy? In 41st International colloquium for Bicom users, 25, 36-39.

Scott-Mumby, K. (2005). Diet wise. Reno, NV: Mother Whale.

(2008). Virtual medicine. (2nd ed.) La Quinta, CA: Polimedia Communications.

Weidel, L. (2007). Geopathic zones: Earth energy lines and electrosmog force fields and trees. Stolberg, Germany: Astro-Spiegel-Verlag.


1Hennecke 2012: 312Scott-Mumby 2008: 1723Weidel 20074Palagini & Rosenlicht, 2011, p. 1825Landis, 2011, p. 6136Jan, 2010, p. 223; Motivala et al., 2005; Partinen, 2011, p. 2857Weidel 20078Weidel 20079Schwarze 200110Weidel 2007: 16

Evidence of the effectiveness of Bioresonance


Marcia Pitman © 2014

Bioresonance devices are in wide use throughout Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Asia and Russia by medical doctors, homeopaths, naturopaths, dentists and veterinarians. However, they are not licensed in the United States for use with humans (but they are for animals). Scott-Mumby finds the lack of access in the US to be laughable: ‘The American public, it seems, needs protecting from funny waves, even though the US Food and Drug Administration claims these waves are not there!’.[i]

The gold standard of research into the effectiveness of drugs is the ‘double blind’ study, in which neither the patient nor the doctor knows whether the patient is receiving an active medication or an inactive placebo. This form of research is not possible with bioresonance, because practitioners will always know which programs they are delivering.[i] A less rigorous standard of evidence is achieved when groups receiving treatment are compared with those with similar conditions who receive a different treatment.

Using this format, in a meta-analysis of a number of studies on the use of bioresonance, Rahlfs concluded that the results were both statistically significant – with clients improving at better levels than with orthodox treatment or no treatment at all – and clinically significant – that is, clients experienced a marked improvement in their conditions.[ii]


People with allergies could be expected to experience no spontaneous recovery and only a 15 per cent recovery rate in response to orthodox treatment. In three studies, bioresonance achieved between 74 and 83 percent complete recovery with an added 23 and 11 percent partial recovery respectively.[i] In two further studies, full recovery with bioresonance was between 50 and 60 percent, with partial recovery a further 34 percent. In another study, the recovery rate equalled that of steroid treatment, with none of its side-effects.[ii] Significantly, children with allergies also showed a complete or partial success rate of 86 percent, which is higher than the 70 percent success achieved with medication.


As for other conditions, in one study, liver cell damage remained at original levels in clients receiving standard treatment, but was substantially improved in the group receiving bioresonance.[i] In another study, athletes with overstrain injuries who were treated with bioresonance improved more quickly and with less pain than those receiving ultrasound and other standard treatments.[ii] Finally, mice irradiated by Chernobyl radiation were treated with bioresonance, after which their immune systems returned to healthy levels.[iii] (Spontaneous recovery from radiation sickness is undocumented.)


In a survey of 538 practitioners and 680,000 cases, 50.5 percent of clients with a range of health problems reported that they were free of symptoms after bioresonance treatment; 31 percent reported a significant improvement; 11.7 percent experienced a slight improvement; and 1 percent suffered a deterioration (plus a small proportion of cases whose outcomes were not reported).[iv] Almost half of 241,664 individuals for whom extensive orthodox treatment had failed, experienced complete remission of their symptoms.[v] Taken together, the typical effectiveness of treatment is summarised in Figure 1.3, with success rates for allergic conditions higher again.


Comparative research is seldom used in clinical practice, because it is unethical to deprive people who are unwell of a treatment that is expected to help them. Instead, clinical standards of proof are used, whereby a practitioner publishes positive findings that, on their own, do not constitute scientific proof but which do when replicated by other practitioners. The studies reported in all editions of the International colloquium for Bicom users/therapists provide this external validation by documenting the success of bioresonance with a vast array of health problems.


Brügemann, H. (Ed.) ((2006). Are there evidence-based studies on the efficacy of the bioresonance method? In 46th International colloquium for Bicom users, 30, 55-66.

Hennecke, J. (2012). Bioresonance: A new view of medicine: Scientific principles and practical experience. Norderstedt, Germany: GmbH.

Scott-Mumby, K. (2008). Virtual medicine. (2nd ed.) La Quinta, CA: Polimedia Communications.


[i] Brügemann 2006: 59

[ii] Brügemann 2006: 61

[iii] Brügemann 2006: 62; Hennecke 2012: 161

[iv] Hennecke 2012: 149

[v] Hennecke 2012: 149

[i] Brügemann 2006

[ii] Brügemann 2006: 57-58

[i] Hennecke 2012: 147

[ii] Brügemann 2006: 56

[i] Scott-Mumby 2008: 103

FAQ’s about Bicom Bioresonance



With the biophysical model in general and bioresonance in particular being unfamiliar to many, there are some common questions that you might want to ask about it.


Since its inception in the 1970s and 1980s, bioresonance has been used widely in Europe by medical practitioners, veterinarians, dentists and alternative health practitioners. It has been recently introduced into Russia and in Chinese medical hospitals.[i] Elsewhere, it is used mainly by alternative practitioners.

Despite its longevity, part of the reason that bioresonance is not better known is that most medical research is commissioned by drug companies. Because bioresonance does not involve drugs, it is less researched.


Bioresonance nurtures the body so that its resources are strengthened to effect its own cure. Energetic medicine does not treat diseases: it treats the body[i] .

To achieve this, bioresonance works on the dual systems of information (biophysics) and energy fields. These superordinate systems act on chemicals in the body but, well before the individual develops a chemical disturbance, energetic imbalances can cause the body to struggle to maintain good health.

Through this therapy all of the organs and systems of the body can benefit. This includes metabolism, the digestive, immune, skin, endocrine (hormonal), nervous, respiratory, musculoskeletal, circulatory and urological systems. While assisting the function of any cells or tissues involved in any of these systems, it cannot of course resurrect tissue that has died. This means, for example, that once the islet cells of the pancreas have died, the resulting diabetes cannot be reversed.

With any condition, it is not possible to know ahead of time how much of the symptoms are due to malfunction and how much to damage. Therefore, no one can know in advance how much improvement is possible.


Studies of the efficacy of bioresonance have found no side-effects.[i] This is because before delivering a therapy program, practitioners test if the program will benefit your body. Rarely, there can be a ‘crisis of healing’ in which the symptoms worsen temporarily following therapy. This indicates that the bioresonance therapy, while correct, was too intense.[ii] Even this is unlikely, however, with an experienced practitioner.


We think of reversing chronic health conditions as being like trying to turn around an ocean liner. The body has taken a long time to become unwell, and reversing that process will take some time too. The duration of bioresonance will depend on your constitution, your age, how close together your therapy sessions occur, what other strategies you use to support yourself (e.g. diet and exercise) and what other stressors may be affecting your body (e.g. work stress).

If we see the many layers of illness as being like the layers of an onion, each one has to be peeled away to expose and clear the previous layer or underlying cause. And if there are many aspects to each layer – such as multiple infections or many intolerances – they will each need therapy. And with core food intolerances (commonly to gluten or to milk proteins) the body may require more support than acquired intolerances.

However, as the body begins to right itself, it will spontaneously repair some aspects. And the reverse is also true: setbacks in the form of new infections or stressors can mean that your practitioner will have to focus on acute issues, leaving aside therapies of the chronic problems for the time being. Of course, this will prolong your therapy course.

In my experience, if a condition involves malfunction of the brain, therapy can be protracted. A field known as homotoxicology believes that the body stores toxins in the least important organs or systems first. Our assumption is that the least safe place for storage would be the brain. Therefore, once the brain is affected, the whole system is unwell – and that will take time to heal.

The same is true of skin conditions because these are an external manifestation of a multi-faceted internal condition, often involving digestion. The skin and the brain are formed in utero from the same embryonic tissue, in which case anything affecting the skin can also be affecting the nervous system which, as already mentioned, can be a complex syndrome.

During bioresonance therapy of chronic conditions, improvement can occur unevenly, with periods of vast improvement sometimes followed by slower gains. This is partly because different levels of damage to the various organ systems will take differing recovery times.


Bioresonance therapy for children is usually quicker than for adults because in their shorter lifetime they have been exposed to fewer noxious influences. However, as for adults, if their nervous system or skin is involved, therapy can be prolonged.


During Bioresonance therapy, it will be necessary to abstain from certain foods to allow the body to heal. These may include wheat, gluten, dairy, eggs and soy. The length of time that you will have to abstain will depend on the damage already done to your body. For example, cells that line the small intestine can take six months to repair.

After therapy, you should be careful in future not to overload your system with daily intake. Even when the body has been strengthened it would be wise to treat reactive foods with respect.


Collison, D.R. & Hall, T. (1989). Why do I feel so awful? Melbourne: Angus and Robertson.

Hennecke, J. (2012). Bioresonance: A new view of medicine: Scientific principles and practical experience. Norderstedt, Germany: GmbH.

Wilson, J.L. (2001). Adrenal fatigue: The 21st century stress syndrome. Petaluma, CA: Smart Publications.


[i] Hennecke 2012: 153

[ii] Hennecke 2012: 172

2 Scott-Mumby 2008

[i] Hennecke 2012

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